While we have seen a recent flurry of colleges/universities that have dropped COVID-19 vaccine mandates, we are still hovering at around 1000 colleges that mandate primary series vaccines, just under 250 colleges that mandate one booster dose and 21 colleges that specifically mandate the bivalent booster which means that if a student already took a monovalent booster that student would need to take a second booster to be up-to-date as per the college COVID-19 vaccine policy.
To help you navigate this continued nonsense and avoid the dangers of forced COVID-19 vaccination, one of our volunteers collected a list of colleges that have NEVER mandated these experimental medical treatments.
You can click here to see this spreadsheet or you can visit our Website: www.nocollegemandates.com and find the it posted on our Homepage.
Below are a few considerations when reviewing this spreadsheet:
Among my favorite colleges on our spreadsheet are those listed below because they “do not accept grants from the federal government or participate in any federal financial-aid or studentloan programs”, and therefore, they remain completely autonomous and independent institutions of higher learning. All but one of the colleges on the list below have never had a COVID-19 vaccine mandate indicating they highly value informed consent. These colleges never found it necessary to remove medical freedom and instead empowered community members to decide for themselves what measures to take for personal protection.
The short list of colleges above and others outlined on our spreadsheet are the institutions that deserve our support. We must find a way to lift them up and help them grow. Some of them offer the higher education model to replicate, and in fact the Hillsdale College model is being replicated by Jordan Peterson who is in the process of building and launching Peterson Academy. Some of the colleges on the short list above are seeing an unprecedented level of interest and growth, and is it any wonder why?
One other thing to keep in mind. The 500+ colleges on the spreadsheet NEVER mandated COVID-19 vaccines, but they all receive various streams of federal funding. As noted, some of these colleges are prevented by state law from mandating these vaccines, but there are many colleges on the spreadsheet that did not mandate COVID-19 vaccines as a condition to accepting or jeopardizing the receipt of renewed or additional federal grants. While federal funding might be the incentive for some colleges to mandate these vaccines, federal funding incentives do not tell the whole story. We have learned that some colleges mandated COVID-19 vaccines to appease the fears of faculty/staff, to appease the fears of parents, students and alumni or because they follow the lead of colleges such as Harvard and Rutgers which were among some of the first to mandate these medical treatments.
As always, if our list is incorrect or if we missed any colleges/universities that never mandated COVID-19 vaccines, please let me know in the comments. Please share this list with every family that you know to help them wisely chose colleges for their students and/or to give them ideas for where they can redirect their alumni donations.
Lucia Sinatra
Co-founder, No College Mandates
Send me a message with all your inquiries.